1 /**
2  * Hello world demo for Dcell.
3  *
4  * Copyright: Copyright 2022 Garrett D'Amore
5  * Authors: Garrett D'Amore
6  * License:
7  *   Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
8  *   (See accompanying file LICENSE or https://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
9  *   SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0
10  */
11 module hello;
13 import std.stdio;
14 import std.string;
15 import std.concurrency;
17 import dcell;
19 void emitStr(Screen s, int x, int y, Style style, string str)
20 {
21 	// NB: this naively assumes only ASCII
22 	while (str != "") 
23 	{
24 		s[x, y] = Cell(str[0], style);
25 		str = str[1..$];
26 		x += 1;
27 	}
28 }
30 void displayHelloWorld(Screen s)
31 {
32 	auto size = s.size();
33 	Style def;
34 	def.bg = Color.silver;
35 	def.fg = Color.black;
36 	s.setStyle(def);
37 	s.clear();
38 	Style style = {fg: Color.red, bg: Color.papayaWhip};
39 	emitStr(s, size.x / 2 - 9, size.y / 2 - 1, style, " Hello, World! ");
40 	emitStr(s, size.x / 2 - 11, size.y / 2 + 1, def, " Press ESC to exit. ");
42 	// this demonstrates a different method.
43 	// it places a red X in the center of the screen.
44 	s[$/2, $/2].text = "X";
45 	s[$/2, $/2].style.fg = Color.white;
46 	s[$/2, $/2].style.bg = Color.red;
47 	s.show();
48 }
50 void handleEvent(Screen ts, Event ev)
51 {
52 	import core.stdc.stdlib : exit;
54 	switch (ev.type)
55 	{
56 	case EventType.key:
57 		if (ev.key.key == Key.esc || ev.key.key == Key.f1)
58 		{
59 			ts.stop();
60 			exit(0);
61 		}
62 		break;
63 	case EventType.resize:
64 		ts.resize();
65 		displayHelloWorld(ts);
66 		ts.sync();
67 		break;
68 	default:
69 		break;
70 	}
71 }
73 void main()
74 {
75 	import std.stdio;
77 	auto ts = newScreen();
78 	assert(ts !is null);
80 	ts.start(thisTid());
81 	displayHelloWorld(ts);
82 	for (;;)
83 	{
84 		receive(
85 			(Event ev) { handleEvent(ts, ev); }
86 		);
87 	}
88 }